Stress Linked to Skin Issues in College Students

New research confirms that mental stress is associated with a variety of skin issues in college students.

In the study, scientists at the Lewis Katz School of Medicine (LKSOM) at Temple University (LKSOM) and Temple University sought to confirm that heightened levels of psychological stress are associated with skin complaints.

To do this they studied a large, randomly selected sample of undergraduate students. Study results appear in the international, peer-reviewed journal Acta Dermato-Venereologica.

“Previous studies have demonstrated an association between stress and skin symptoms, but those studies relied on small patient samples, did not use standardized tools, are anecdotal in nature, or focused their analyses on a single skin disease,” said Gil Yosipovitch, M.D., chair of the Department of Dermatology at LKSOM and corresponding author of the study.

研究者たちは、2014年秋学期中にテンプル大学でアンケートに基づいた横断的研究を行いました。 5000人の大学生が、彼らが知覚した心理的ストレスと皮膚の不満を報告するWebベースの調査に参加するように招待されました。 4人の学生が最終的なサンプルサイズに含まれています。







出典:テンプル大学/ EurekAlert

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